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Lathe Cut Records

Ready to make your own records? Whether you want to order a singe record or 100, picture discs or clasic black, we have a wide range of options to bring your vision to life. Simply select your choices below, submit your order, and the Ritual team will get in contact within 1-2 business days.
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Picture Disc Upload

Center Label




Album Cover Image

Poly Bag
Inner Sleeve
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Audio Sides
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single turquoise star

Quote for Lathe-cut Records

no center label
cover image

Please provide your contact details in the fields above, and tap the button below to submit your quote. This isn't a commitment to buy—just a step to get the ball rolling. We'll reach out to discuss the next steps and explore the options for your lathe-cut records!



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Lathe Cut Records Order Summary

No Center Label
Cover Image
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What's the difference between lathe cut and pressing?


Lathe cutting is a way of making records by cutting records one at a time onto polycarbonate discs (similar to how dub plates are made). Pressed records are made by creating a master lacquer (on a lathe!) then using that master to press those same grooves onto records. General rule of thumb when considering what kind of record best suits your needs: If you want to do a custom project and/or a limited run of 150 or less, lathe cutting is the best option (price-wise and creative format-wise). If you want more than 150 records, pressing is your best option.

Is there a difference in quality between lathe cut records and pressed records?


Lathe cuts are mono, and the grooves are not cut as deep as traditionally pressed vinyl, so you can’t backspin or scratch with a lathe cut record. Lathe cut records may be slightly quieter than a traditionally pressed vinyl record.

Do you have minimums or maximums for numbers per record order?


We do not; we are open to projects of all sizes. However, pricing will vary, as well as format and other options.

What sizes and formats of records do you make?


We cut 7”, 10”, and 12” records. We also offer a variety of shapes, colors, and creative options — everything from embossing to printing picture discs to whatever else you can dream up. 

What's your pricing structure?


We offer both packaged pricing and custom pricing, and the prices vary based on number of records, format, turnaround time (rush deals have a rush fee), and packaging. You can begin to build your project here, which will allow you to explore options and see pricing.

Can I order a custom design for my records?


Yes! We frequently work closely with artists, brands, labels, and regular people to create custom projects. If you don’t see a package that fits your needs, reach out to us directly and we’ll get you a quote for your custom run.

What's your turnaround time?


The production timeline depends on the scale and complexity of your project. While smaller batches and standard designs can be completed relatively quickly, larger or custom orders may require additional time. Rest assured, we strive to deliver your exceptional vinyl experience as efficiently as possible without compromising on quality.
For lathe cut record runs of 150 or less, we can generally turn those orders around in 6-8 weeks, or do rush orders in 2 weeks (at an additional cost).

How should I prepare my audio for lathe cutting?


There’s no need to remaster specifically for vinyl production. Just send us your .wav format digital master files. Keep in mind that our lathe cuts are in mono, so some stereo effects will cause phasing issues. 

Can I fit more music on my record?


A record’s maximum duration is determined by RPM, diameter and groove spacing. Each of these factors impact the sound quality of a record. 
Groove spacing is adjusted based on the length of audio - longer audio requires tight groove spacing, shorter audio allows for wide groove spacing. Loud clean sounding records have wide groove spacing. 
As a general rule, 45 RPM records will be louder with clearer high end frequencies than 33 RPM records. 
Essentially, the longer a project is, the lower the audio quality is going to be. Our listed side lengths ensure nice sounding records - we can squeeze a few minutes more onto a side, but it’s likely to impact the quality and cost of your project.

turquoise star strip

MORE QUESTIONS? Still not sure? Check out our FAQ page to hear more details, suggestions, and upload instructions to make your project perfect!

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